Patatas a la Importancia



  1. 1 kg. of sour potato from Vera de Moncayo
  2. 1 egg
  3. Flour
  4. Virgin olive oil
  5. Garlic
  6. Parsley
  7. Salt
  8. Saffron
  9. 75 gr. toasted almonds
  10. 1 glass of white wine
  11. 1 glass of broth


We will start peeling the potatoes and cutting them into slices of about one centimeter-thick. Once cut, we salt them. Next, we bathe them in flour and then pass them through the beaten egg.

In a large pan we will put enough oil and fry the potatoes until they are golden. We take them out and put them in a wide source trying not to spoil the batter when piling them up.

In the same pan where we fry the potatoes, we will put a little of the oil used to fry the potatoes and we make a chopped with the garlic, parsley, almonds and saffron and let it sauté, add the glass of white wine and a glass of broth.

Let it boil for about 3 minutes and add the battered potatoes and let them simmer for about 25 minutes. Once this time has passed, they are decorated with toasted almond slices.

Restaurant El Parador de Bulbuente

Ctra. Nacional 122, Km. 72.500 50546 Bulbuente (Zaragoza)

Telephone: 976 86 81 15